Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Dubai/Cape Town

Well, it's Wednesday around 9 pm here in Cape Town. Just got finished with 27 hours of plane travel and a 12 hour lay-over in Dubai. Amazingly, I feel pretty good. Probably just adrenaline. Anyway, Dubai is unlike any city I've ever seen. I would compare it to an Arabic Las Vegas. Everything is extremely opulent to the point that North Dallas starts to look like a ghetto. However, even on our worst day, we can't put up the kind of soul drenching heat and humidity that the United Emirates can. Two words: dirt sauna. Yeah, they don't have those pictures up on the brochures. Architecturally, it is a world marvel. Culturally and aromatically, it was stanKy.

Cape Town, on the other hand, is about 50 degrees with a breeze coming in off where the the Atlantic and Indian oceans meet. We'll call it a very "cool" welcome by the mother city. The people where we are staying are very nice and security based which is a comfort. The view of table mountain on the way in from the airport was everything that I thought it would be. It has a Santa Barbara, California feel with the beach and the hilly terrain. They also have the African pines that sit atop the hills which lets you know that you are only in one place: Africa.

Anyway, we have tomorrow to explore the city and then Friday kicks off the opener between South Africa and Mexico at 4 local time, and we have tickets for the France/Uruguay game at 8 local time. I will update with pictures tomorrow as I left my cable back at the room. That's all for now.

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